Securing an AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) cluster using Azure Active Directory (AAD), Azure Policy, and Azure Network Security Groups (NSG) involves several steps. Here is a guide on how to do so:
- Create an Azure Active Directory (AAD) and add users or groups to it. This will be used to authenticate users who want to access the AKS cluster.
- Create an Azure Policy to define the security rules and policies for the AKS cluster. For example, you can create a policy to ensure that all pods in the AKS cluster are running with the latest security patches.
- Create an Azure Network Security Group (NSG) and associate it with the AKS cluster. This will be used to control inbound and outbound traffic to the AKS cluster.
- Create a Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) configuration and associate it with the AKS cluster. This will be used to control access to the AKS cluster based on roles and permissions.
Here is sample code for creating and managing these resources:
Creating an Azure Active Directory (AAD):
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myAKSCluster" --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id}
Creating an Azure Policy:
az policy definition create --name "EnsureLatestSecurityPatches" --display-name "Ensure Latest Security Patches" --rules --params
Creating an Azure Network Security Group (NSG) and associating it with the AKS cluster:
az network nsg create --name "myAKSNSG" --resource-group "myResourceGroup"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name "myAKSNSG" --name "AllowHTTPS" --priority 100 --resource-group "myResourceGroup" --access Allow --protocol Tcp --destination-port-range 443
az aks update --resource-group "myResourceGroup" --name "myAKSCluster" --network-plugin azure --network-policy none --vnet-subnet-id $subnetId --network-security-group $nsgId
Creating a Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) configuration and associating it with the AKS cluster:
kubectl create -f
kubectl create -f
In addition to the above steps, there are several other security options available for securing an AKS cluster such as Azure Monitor for containers, Azure Advisor, Azure Security Center, Azure Key Vault etc. These can be used to monitor and analyze the security posture of the AKS cluster, to detect any anomalies.